Current mobile phones are very accessible and can help users with disabilities not only access the device and online services, but also their environment and improve participation in society. However, smartphones can be expensive and so far, do not qualify for funding. Is there a case to be made that smartphones are Assistive Technology and should be funded for certain user groups?
Join our panelists from WHO, DATEurope, Enable Ireland, the Association in Support of the Blind and Visually Impaired Austria and University College Cork in discussing advantages of AT funding for accessible devices such as mobile phones, tablets, Wearables, as well as valid concerns and practical hurdles.
Our speakers are:
- David Banes, Director of David Banes Access and Inclusion Services & DATEurope
- Siobhán Long, Manager, National Assistive Technology & SeatTech Services, Enable Ireland
- Klaus Höckner, Director, Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Seeschwachen Österreichs
- Wei Zhang, WHO Assistive Technology Program
- Bryan Boyle , Lecturer, University College Cork
- Sabine Lobnig, MWF, Global Accessibility Reporting Initiative (GARI)
The roundtable takes place as part of the Inclusion Forum of #ICCHP_AAATE_22 on Wednesday, 13 July 2022, 11:45:
The discussions will serve as basis for a policy paper and a list of practical recommendations and joint action steps. Keep your eyes open for the publication of the session output.
If you cannot attend in person, join our discussion on Twitter via @GARIupdates, following the hashtag #ICCHP_AAATE_22.